Natural Sciences (NSCI)
NSCI 110. Survey of the Natural Sciences. 3 Credits.
ntroduction to aspects of the Biological, Physical, and Earth Sciences. The biology component emphasizes the structural and functional features of organisms, their classification, and their importance in the environment. The physical science component presents a non-mathematical approach to understanding some of the basic concepts in chemistry and physics. The earth science studies focuses on the interrelationships between geology, pleontology, astronomy, meteorology and oceanography. This course is required for elementary education majors. This course does not meet the laboratory science requirement. Course Fee: $15.00.
NSCI 111. Survey Natural Science Lab. 1 Credit.
This course is the labortory course to accompany NSCI 110. the laboratory will introduce students to experiments where they will see demonstrated the fundamental concepts of biology, physical and earth sciences. Course fee:.
NSCI 301. Essence of Science. 3 Credits.
This is a lecture course covering the important scientific discoveries from the ancient Greeks to the development of modern molecular biology and the human genome project. The course lectures, readings and discussions will develop how science, the scientific method and resulting technology have led to the ascent of humans to their present state of power. Such an ascent has been made possible through the relationship of mathematics and the physical, chemical and biological sciences. Prerequisite: A college science course, junior standing or consent of the instructor. This course does not meet the laboratory science requirement.
NSCI 450. Undergraduate Research I. 3 Credits.
Provides the opportunity to perform undergraduate research in a particular science area of interest as selected by the student; the research project will be initiated and completed under the counsel and guidance of departmental staff. Prerequisites: Appropriate science background and Junior standing. This course does not meet the laboratory science requirement.
Course Fees: $40.00
NSCI 451. Undergraduate Research II. 3 Credits.
Serves as a continuation of NSCI 450 and affords the option by which to complete a research endeavor in a selected science area. Prerequisite: NSCI 450. This course does not meet the laboratory science requirement.
Course Fees: $26.50
NSCI 492. Independent Study. 2-5 Credits.
Provides an opportunity for students to engage in directed research and study on an individual basis rather than in a formal class environment.