Biology: Micro (BIOM)

BIOM 250. Microbiology for Hlth Sciences. 3 Credits.

This course provides a survey of the microbial world including the organisms included in the group making up microorganisms and the relationship of mircoorganisms to humans. The course presents the fundamental concepts of cellular structure, metabolic functions, genetics and control of microbial growth.

BIOM 251. Microbiology Hlth Sciences Lab. 1 Credit.

This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn and utilize basic microbiological laboratory skills used for isolation, culturing and identification of bacteria. The student will have the opportunity to fully use these skills in the identification of an unknown as a final laboratory project.
Course Fees: $26.50

BIOM 291. Special Topic. 3 Credits.

Courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular one-time need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

BIOM 292. Independent Study. 3 Credits.

Provides an opportunity for students to engage in directed research and study on an individual basis rather than in a formal class environment.

BIOM 363. Eukaryotic Cell Biology. 3 Credits.

This course is a survey of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells. Students explore the existence of life at the cellular and molecular level by focusing on many aspects of cellular biology; including protein synthesis and function, the structural and functional role of the cell membrane, cellular organelles, the organization of cells into tissues, signal transduction and cell-to-cell communication, experimental applications in cell biology, and the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the disease phenotype. Prerequisites: BIOB 160/161 Principles of Living Systems Lecture and Lab; BIOB 170/171 Organismal Diversity & Evolution Lecture and Lab; CHMY 141/142 College Chemistry I Lecture and Lab.

BIOM 400. Medical Microbiology. 3 Credits.

Review of the microbial world involving bacteria and viruses and their impact on human immune function, disease prevention, environmental and industrial applications, and microbial ecology. Designed for students interested in continuing in science, particularly in pharmacy and pre-med. Prerequisites: BIOB 160 and BIOM 250. Concurrent enrollment in BIOM 401 Lab is required.

BIOM 401. Medical Microbiology Lab. 0 Credits.

Laboratory for BIOM 400. Concurrent enrollment in BIOM 400 is required. This course taken in conjunction with the lecture portion of the course (BIOM 400) meets the laboratory science requirement.

BIOM 423. Mycology and Lab. 3 Credits.

A course for biology majors and students who plan to take additional courses in biology. This course explores many areas of fungal biology, including ultrastructure, mechanisms of growth, production of metabolites, and molecular techniques used to study populations. Interactions of fungi with other organisms are discussed with examples of biological control agents, including commercial examples of fungal species that control insect pests and plant diseases. Specific groups of fungi and their features are discussed and fungal collections prepared. The course concludes with additional discussion of medical mycology and its role in human disease. Prerequisites: BIOB 160/161 Principles of Living Systems Lecture and Lab.